Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – Why do I get tired after I eat? You’ve probably asked yourself this, especially after having a large meal. Somehow eating makes you need to stretch out and get some shut-eye. If you worry about why every time you eat you get tired, this is quite normal after eating a heavy meal. There are several factors that can contribute to this after-meal feel.
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions
Let’s find out why do I get tired after I eat :

Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – It Could Be Your Diet
Every Thanksgiving your family asks each other: why do we get tired after eating turkey?
There is a reasonable explanation. You digest all foods the same way, but some have different effects on your body.
So, why do we get tired after eating turkey?
Turkey has tryptophan, an amino acid that causes your body to release serotonin. Serotonin, then, makes you feel sleepy. If you get tired after you eat, and you just ate turkey, chances are eating too much tryptophan is the culprit [1].
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions

Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It is possible that carbs and glucose are why you get tired after you eat.
Too much glucose in the body can restrict orexin, a peptide that helps with wakefulness. If you eat foods that are high in carb content, your glucose (sugar) levels can go up which can lead to sleepiness [2].
If you wonder why you get tired after eating carbs, this is a big reason why.
Consider the meal that you ate during lunch. Was it high in refined carbohydrates, like pasta, bread, potatoes, or rice? Get ready to fight fatigue after.
So why do you get so tired after eating carbs? It’s because your body cannot produce enough insulin to offset the carb load. This makes you drowsy and sleepy.
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions

Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – It Could Be Your Digestion
Why you get tired after eating may have something to do with your digestion.
Your body requires food to create energy. When you eat, your body transforms the nutrients into glucose to use as energy.
When you eat too much that energy gets stored rather than expelled, thus making you sleepy.
So now you are wondering, “Why I get so tired after I eat anything?”
The food that you are eating may trigger melatonin production in the brain.
Melatonin is the hormone that manages your sleep-wake cycle. Melatonin can also induce sleep after eating.
Keep this in mind the next time you snack on those tart cherries at lunchtime [3].
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions

Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – It Could Be Diabetes
Nothing in this article resonates with you yet because every time you eat you get tired. Every time.
If you get tired after every single meal, you may want to see your doctor and get tested for diabetes.
Discuss your symptoms with your doctor if you get tired after every time you eat sugar or carbs. Diabetes is not a catchall and has more than one type.
If you get tired after you eat anything at all you could have Type 1 diabetes [4]. This can affect anyone, even if you are not overweight.
If you get very tired after eating sugar then Type 2 diabetes may be the culprit.
Reduce your intake of sweets and simple carbs. Increase your intake of whole grains, lean proteins, and vegetables.
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
Why do people get tired after eating? We’ve covered a lot of medical reasons, but let’s look at some mental reasons.
It might be that your eating schedule is out of sync.
Skipping breakfast and foregoing snacks until lunch can make you tired. Most people that skip meals are likely to grab quick high caloric foods during lunch.
Another fatigue culprit may be sweets during the day. If you’re skipping meals, chances are you are relying on sugar to give you that energy boost.
Candy and chocolate can give you a quick boost. But it’s temporary and you will experience sugar crash afterward. This is one of the reasons why we get very tired after eating sugar.
People who get very tired after eating sugar might not realize this. Sugar-rich foods cause fatigue and sleepiness once the effects have worn off [5].
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – You Might Have Food Allergies
After all this, you are still tired after you eat? It might be the food you are eating causes an allergic reaction.
Food allergy sensitivity can make you feel tired. Because your body is working hard to fight off the inflammation caused by these foods.
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat
It Could Be Your Diet
It Could Be The Carbs And Glucose
It Could Be Your Digestion
It Could Be Diabetes
It Could Be Your Eating Schedule
You Might Have Food Allergies
It Could Be Your Meal Portions

Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat – It Could Be Your Meal Portions
Maybe it’s not diabetes. Maybe it’s something else. Maybe, it’s the amount of food you eat.
If you get so tired after you eat anything, it’s possible you are eating too much during meals.
Check your food intake during meals. Do you have second helpings? Are you eating more than is necessary?
If so, reduce your portions by half so that you won’t get tired every time you eat [6].
Why Do I Get Tired After I Eat Resources;
[1] Health Line; Why Do I Feel Tired After Eating?, Natalie Butler, RD, LD, April 19, 2018.
[2] Self Hacked; 13 Reasons You Feel Tired After Eating + Solutions to Fatigue, Joe Cohen, October 29, 2018.
[3] The Jakarta Post; Why do we feel sleepy after eating a meal?, October 04, 2016.
[4] Live Strong; Is It Diabetes When I Am So Tired After Eating?, Meka Jones M.A., August 14, 2017.
[5] Live Strong; Why Am I So Tired After Eating?, Ripa Ajmera, August 14, 2017.
[6] Bel Marra Health; Fatigue after eating? Reasons why you feel tired after you eat, Mohan Garikiparithi, January 30, 2017.