How Often Should You Wash Sheets? – Your bed is your haven. It’s where you go to relax and recuperate at the end of each day. So why not make it the best it can be?
Beyond the color, weave, and fabric of your bedding, the cleanliness of your sheets plays an essential role in attaining restorative sleep. Not only does hopping into a fresh bed feeling good, but it also can help you sleep better without the disruption of allergies, bacteria and dust mites.

How Often Should You Wash Sheets?
Is it really necessary to wash bed sheets once a week? The answer is yes.
If you are wondering what the fuss is all about when it comes to cleaning your bed sheets, here are a few things to consider.

Hidden Dust Mites And Allergens
Dust mites are microscopic creatures that live in your mattresses and bedding. Without proper care, dust mites can proliferate between the sheets, often causing severe allergies in people with mite sensitivities.
Washing your sheets weekly in hot water and bleach can significantly reduce the number of dust mites living in your bedding. If you’re still not convinced, here are some of the side effects of mites:
According to Mayo Clinic common symptoms of dust mite allergies include [1];
- Sneezing
- Runny nose
- Itchy, red or watery eyes
- Nasal congestion
- Itchy nose, roof of mouth or throat
- Postnasal drip
- A cough
- Facial pressure and pain
- Swollen, blue-colored skin under your eyes
- In a child, frequent upward rubbing of the nose

Bacteria Can Thrive On Bedding
How Often Should You Wash Sheets? – Bacteria can thrive on your bed sheets, especially when you or your family members are sick. For example: if you’ve been resting in bed for days with the flu, the virus can easily transfer to your linens and spread to another person.
This is one reason why hospitals prioritize the sanitation of sheets and linens. Regular washing will not only make your sheets smell great but will also reduce the spread of bacteria across your household.

Sheets Collect And Retain Dirt
How Often Should You Wash Sheets – You’re not alone if sometimes you just fall into bed after a long day at work in your work clothes.
Unfortunately, all the dust, dirt and sweat that has accumulated on your clothing during the course of the day can end up on your sheets.
Moreover, your own natural perspiration can linger on your bedding for days thanks to the skin to fabric contact.
Washing and sanitizing your sheets once a week will reduce dirt build-up and other unwanted bacterial elements.

Tips For Washing Bed Sheets: Start With Smaller Loads
How Often Should You Wash Sheets? – Hampers tend to fill up quickly but that doesn’t mean you should throw all of your dirty laundry into the washing machine at once.
An overfilled washer will not allow for proper water and detergent penetration during the agitation stage of the wash cycle. This means that dirt, dust, skin cells and anything else on your sheets will not be effectively removed.
Start with a small load in your washing machine and eliminate articles of clothing that may cling to your sheets. Ideally, it’s best to sort your laundry and do a small load with just bedding alone.

Use Hot Water Every Time You Wash Your Sheets
The use of very hot water in conjunction with your detergent and bleach will effectively kill off any persistent mites and bacteria that cling to your sheets.
A water temperature of 140 degrees Fahrenheit will quickly kill off bacteria [2] and other germs lurking on bed sheets.
Color Tip: according to Leslie Reichert, the author of the book titled, “The Joy of Green Cleaning”, use oxygen bleach when dealing with colored sheets [3].

Allow Your Sheets To Air-Dry
Aside from weekly washing of linens, it is also a good idea to hang your sheets out to air dry or use the cool-air setting on your dryer. Many newer dryer models come with cool air settings rather than low heat.
This is especially important in order to preserve the elasticity of your fitted sheets. As always, read the drying instructions on the label before placing your sheets in the dryer.
How Often Should You Wash Sheets Resources;
[1] Mayo Clinic; Dust mite allergy, May 16, 2018.
[2] WebMD; Hot Water Removes Allergens Best, Jennifer Warner, May 21, 2007.
[3] Eco Child’s Play; The Joy Of Green Cleaning, Leslie Reichert, October 09, 2008.