How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – Babies up to their teenage years require more sleep compared to adults to develop their minds and spur physical growth [1]. Parents want to create healthy and beneficial habits for children from the very beginning, so it is understandable to wonder about the quantitative necessity of sleep for children.

Unfortunately, drowsy children may display behaviors that seem contradictory to sleepiness, like becoming more active. Sleepiness can actually be mistaken as a symptom of ADHD or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Children do not appear tired as they are resist sleepiness and become hyperactive as the night progresses. These overactive behaviors may simply be due to exhaustion. That being said, it is important for parents to understand the sleep demands for each age group to make sure those requirements are met [2].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18

How Much Sleep Does A Newborn Need
How Much Sleep Does A Newborn Need?

First-time parents should be prepared for erratic sleep patterns during their child’s first few months.

Even though newborns sleep for a total of 16.5 hours, they wake frequently to feed. During the first two months, the average sleep time for babies is 14 to 16 hours. Six to seven hours in the morning are broken down into three naps while night-time sleep averages eight to nine hours [3]. One reason children sleep erratically at this point is that their circadian rhythms are not yet developed which means that melatonin production is not yet regulated.

When putting babies to sleep, it is important to place them on their backs rather than on their fronts. According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, babies who sleep on their stomachs can be prone to breathing difficulties especially when their bedding is too soft. Sleeping on their backs can help children avoid SIDS or sudden infant death syndrome [4].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 1 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 1 Year Olds Need?

Generally, one-year-olds need 11 to 14 hours of sleep with two nap times in between. By 18 months, nap times can be limited to once per day. When a child can operate longer without a meltdown, it is time to reduce their naps [5].

When transitioning to one nap a day, push your child’s usual morning nap 15 minutes past their designated time, but wake them at the same hour as before. You can also do the reverse and put the child down for a nap at the same time in the morning, but wake them earlier. It is important to ease your baby into this transition, even though sometimes babies easily adapt on their own [6].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 2 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 2 Year Olds Need?

Children that are two years of age need around 11 to 12 hours of sleep with a 90 minute-to-two-hour nap time in the afternoon. At two years old, children need to be in bed by around 7PM-9PM and wake between 6:30AM and 8AM in the morning. Babies are most likely to spend more time in REM and non-REM sleep at this point, but there may be times when they wake during the transition phase [7].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 3 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 3 Year Olds Need?

Three-year-olds tend to sleep for 12 to 14 hours per day with one nap time in the afternoon. Their nap times can be an hour to three hours long depending on their sleep cycles. The length and number of naps reduce as children age [8].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 4 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 4 Year Olds Need?

Sleep deprivation is a serious matter for both children and adults. By the time children reach four years old, they can become stubborn to the point of refusing to take naps unless they fall asleep on their own due to overexertion. At this age, they need 10 to 13 hours of sleep, including nap times, according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.

If your child is having a hard time falling asleep, create a bedtime routine that eases them to sleep earlier and trains their bodies and minds to get the required hours of sleep [9].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 5 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 5 Year Olds Need?

Five-year-olds are usually bundles of energy, but it is important to make sure they get 10 to 12 hours of sleep on a daily basis including nap time.

Establishing a bedtime routine is recommended at this age especially because they may not feel tired, but they still need the sleep. Teach your child a healthy sleep routine to keep them in optimal health [10].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 6 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 6 Year Olds Need?

Let six-year-olds sleep 9 to 12 hours a day according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine. Keep in mind that promoting good sleep habits at this age helps them avoid the effects of lack of sleep such as irritability, crankiness, and sleepiness [22].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 7 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 7 Year Olds Need?

School-aged children that are seven years of age should get 10 to 11 hours of sleep as much as possible. Lack of rest can lead to various sleep problems such as insomnia, depression, anxiety, and may affect their sleep-wake cycle [12].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 8 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 8 Year Olds Need?

According to experts, an average of 10 to 11 hours of sleep at night is the normal range for eight-year-olds. This number may vary as each child has specific needs.

Determine if children are getting enough sleep based on their behaviors. If they are energetic and wide awake, their hours of sleep are sufficient. On the other hand, if they are falling asleep on the table or at school, address their sleep routines as soon as possible [13].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 9 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 9 Year Olds Need

Nine year old children need 10 hours of sleep at night [14]. It is important that their sleep-wake cycles follow a routine so they can get into bed and fall asleep with ease. Young children may request later bedtimes, but be as firm as possible.

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 10 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 10 Year Olds Need?

At ten years old, the average sleep time is 10 hours of sleep which varies depending on the child. The sleep duration for your child may be one or two hours more or less.

Some parents have to deal with kids asking for extensions. Reduce stimulating activities an hour or two before bedtime so your child will not have any issues going to bed [15].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 11 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 11 Year Olds Need?

At this age, kids still fall into the 9 to 11 hours of sleep category. Some children need a nap in the afternoon if they are unable to get enough sleep at night.

If you notice that your child sleeps more and more during the day, it may be because their bedtime routine is not conducive to their specific needs, or they may have an underlying medical condition [16].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 12 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 12 Year Olds Need?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, children from nine to 12 years old should get 9 to 11 hours of sleep every night. Children in this age group tend to have more slow-wave sleep or deep sleep which means that they get restorative sleep that leaves them alert and energetic the next day.

If your child falls asleep during school time, it is likely they did not sleep well [17].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 13 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 13 Year Olds Need?

Teens need about 8 to 10 hours of sleep every night which means that they still need more sleep compared to adults. Quality nighttime sleep is essential to feel energized the following day.

It is quite normal for kids at this age to want to go to sleep later at night and wake up later in the day since their melatonin production happens late at night. It is also at this point where puberty commences for most kids [18].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 14 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 14 Year Olds Need?

At fourteen, it is important that your child gets eight to 10 hours of sleep on a regular basis for their health and well-being. Even when there are after-school activities, the sleep foundation encourages teens to get the required hours of sleep time to ensure that they are functioning at their best [19].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 15 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 15 Year Olds Need?

Fifteen-year-olds need eight to 10 hours every night.

There are a few things to take into account at this point. One of them is that there is a shift to your teen’s sleep patterns, so it is quite natural for their bedtimes to be past 11 PM. Pay attention to the side effects of lack of sleep such as restless leg syndrome, insomnia, and sleep apnea [20].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 16 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 16 Year Olds Need?

It is quite normal for teenagers to sleep a lot as the required amount of sleep at this age is between 8 and 10 hours. Of course, teenagers are battling the effects of adolescence, so you can expect some changes in their sleep habits that may affect mood swings [21].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18

How Much Sleep Do 17 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 17 Year Olds Need?

As mentioned before, teens require eight to 10 hours of sleep per day.

There are times when teens may not get enough sleep because of school work, but they can catch up with much-needed nap time. It is difficult for students to function well in school if they are not getting the hours of sleep required [22].

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do 18 Year Olds Need
How Much Sleep Do 18 Year Olds Need?

Teens may suffer from a lack of sleep at this age because of school work, extracurriculars at school, or social activities with friends. 9.5 hours of sleep are recommended for 18-year-olds, but only a few actually meet this number.

It is understandable to feel helpless about your teen’s sleep habits as well as their behavior, but intervene as much as possible and as much as necessary. Your teenager needs help if they are not getting an adequate amount of sleep. If this goes on for weeks, they might end up getting sick [23]

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – By Age
Newborn •  1234 • 5 • 6 • 7 • 89
10 • 1112 • 1314 • 15 • 16 • 17 • 18


How Much Sleep Do Kids Need Resources:

[1]   National Sleep Foundation; How Much Sleep Do Babies and Kids Need?.
[2]   National Sleep Foundation; How Much Sleep Do Babies and Kids Need?.
[3]   Today’s Parent; How much sleep do kids need?, Lia Grainger, May 01, 2018.
[4]   Baby Centre; How much sleep does your baby need?, BabyCentre Medical Advisory Board, January 2016.
[5]   A Mother Far From Home; The Tried-And-True 1 Year Old Sleep Schedule, December 18.
[6]   Baby Centre; Establishing healthy sleep habits: 24 to 36 months, August 2016.
[7]   WebMD; How Much Sleep Do Children Need?, Amita Shroff, MD, June 18, 2018.
[8]   Very Well Family; How Much Sleep Children Need by Age, Katherine Lee, Joel Forman, MD, July 31, 2018.
[9]   Baby Centre; Your 5-year-old: Getting enough sleep.
[10]   Baby Centre; Your 5-year-old: Getting enough sleep.
[11]   CNN; Here’s how long children should sleep every day, Aria Hangyu Chen, June 23, 2017.
[12]   GoodHouseKeeping; This Chart Tells Exactly When Your Kids Should Go to Bed, Asher Fogle September 08, 2015.
[13]   CNN; How much sleep does an 8-year-old need?, Living Well Expert, Dr. Jennifer Shu Pediatrician, Children’s Medical Group, May 24, 2010.
[14]   NHS; How much sleep do children need?, October 31, 2017.
[15]   The Telegraph; Health Q&A: how much sleep does a 10 year-old need?.
[16]   Sleep Health Foundation; Sleep Needs Across the Lifespan.
[17]   Sleep Health Foundation; Sleep Needs Across the Lifespan.
[18]   Live Science; How Much Sleep Does Your School-Age Child Need?, Sara G. Miller, June 09, 2016.
[19]   Raising Children; Sleep and teenagers: 12-18 years.
[20]   National Sleep Foundation; How Much Sleep Do We Really Need?.
[21]; Is My Teen’s Sleep Normal?.
[22]  Everyday Health; How Much Sleep Do You Really Need Each Night?, Clare Kittredge, January 01, 2018.
[23]   The Guardian; How much sleep do teenagers need?.

How Much Sleep Do Kids Need - From Infant To 18 Complete Guide
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How Much Sleep Do Kids Need – From Infant To 18 Complete Guide
[QUESTION] How much sleep do kids need? [ANSWER] Babies up to their teenage years require more sleep compared to adults to develop their minds and spur physical growth. Here is a step by step guide on exactly how much sleep kids need from infant to 18 years old.
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Tomorrow Sleep
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